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Graphic Upload

Congratulations on your new purchase! Uploading your graphics is easy. We accept file transfers from all your favorite cloud sharing services i.e. Dropbox, Google Drive, Hightail, and Box to name a few. If your not connected to any of these service no problem! Head on over to www.wetransfer.com and simply attach your file(s) and send to graphics@jackpotdisplays.com. It's that easy! 

If you haven't already, please check out our Graphic Specifications page.  Once we receive your file(s) please allow up to 24hrs for graphic proofing (Mon-Fri). We will automatically submit your artwork for production if no problems are found. If there is and it's not a simple fix on our end we will be sure to let you know.

Any problems please do not hesitate to contact us!

- Jackpot! Graphics


       dropbox-logo.jpg    drive.jpg       box.jpg       hightail.jpg        we-transfer.jpg